
Infidelity Prevention and Treatment

Infidelity issues are becoming more and more common in relationships. Couples who have poor communication and unresolved conflict are more likely to experience an affair. An individual having an affair is often seeking attention, validation and comfort. Flirting with others in the work place or in social situations, pushing boundaries with others outside of your relationship and then blaming your partner for these behaviors, are signs that trouble is on the horizon. In today’s world, emotional affairs are also becoming increasingly common and the internet has made access all too easy.

There continues to be debate over what is and what is not infidelity. These blurry lines continue to lead to minimization of online affairs and acting out behaviors.  Prevention of an affair comes with recognizing the warning signs. The most telling sign of trouble is when your partner becomes disinterested in sex and begins to withdraw physically. The topic of sex may not always be a comfortable topic for couples to discuss, however understanding your partners physical needs, and having open  and honest dialogue, can help a couple stay connected.  Often times an unfaithful partner will be spending increasing time on phone or computer and slowly detaching from their relationship. Many partners struggle with feeling the need to frequently track their partner’s activities online or by scrolling through their phone. This behavior is of course understandable for a suspecting partner, however can be emotionally draining and only cause more pain. Setting non-negotiable and transparent boundaries with your partner in order to avoid resentments and mistrust can help prevent such issues from occurring. It is important for couples to be on the same page about frequency of sex or desire to have sex, and addressing any feelings of rejection and inadequacy that may exist from lack of sex in the relationship. These very common issues among couples can all increase risk of extramarital affairs.

Treatment to address physical intimacy issues within a relationship can help resolve issues both in and out of the bedroom. Treatment for infidelity works to address these concerns with a couple and assist the acting out party to understand the needs the unfaithfulness is attempting to fulfill. Not every act of infidelity is the result of sexual addiction issues and we work to explore that with individuals and couples. We also provide disclosure sessions for couples that wish to address past acts of infidelity and work towards a more honest future. Disclosure is a process and requires both parties to be willing and prepared to engage. It is also important for both parties to have their own individual support network to help heal from this process.

The Center for Sex and Love Addiction works with individuals struggling to address their past infidelities, assist them in stopping their behavior and helping them to repair the relationship with their current partner. We also provide support to the partner through this process through providing resources and individual and couples therapy to address the concerns.

Don’t wait for infidelity issues to resolve without intervention or grow to beyond repair. The Center for Sex and Love Addiction provides free phone consultation to discuss treatment options of how to address these concerns and resolve conflicts before it’s too late.

Contact us today to learn more about our individual or couple infidelity treatment and prevention counseling. We offer a free confidential consultation with an addiction therapist, call 978-578-5298.

Think you might be a sex addict?

Use this simple self-test to help find out.

Treatment Services:
  • Individual therapy for those struggling with sex and love addiction
  • Individual therapy for the partners of sex addicts
  • Couples therapy
  • Comprehensive sexual addiction assessments

Call today (978) 578-5298

900 Cummings Center, Suite 413T, Beverly, MA 01915 (978) 578-5298