Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy for Sex & Love Addiction

Individual treatment for sex addiction focuses on identifying and assessing current at risk behaviors and working together to immediately eliminate these behaviors through behavioral modification. Treatment also will focus on psychotherapy to address past trauma and help to determine how these behaviors developed over time. Many addicts develop a relationship with their addiction and struggle to give up this unhealthy attachment. Learning how the addiction has helped one cope with difficult issues, past and present, is a necessary component of developing a long-term sobriety plan.

This plan may include:

  • Attending 12 step meetings to help maintain sobriety
  • Regular written exercises to address risk ongoing and developing an accountability plan to help maintain sobriety.
  • Weekly or Bi-weekly individual treatment to assess past history and present issues in learning how the addiction developed and how to stop it.

Individual treatment for  love addiction focuses on helping individuals learn about intimacy and the difficulties they have endured that has prevented them from finding true intimacy. This can be an emotional process. Helping to understand love addiction and relationship issues can lead to being able to form healthier attachments and more secure, long lasting relationships. Exploration of one’s life, past and present, and exploring ones previous relationships can help to uncover intimacy issues that have been standing in the way of true happiness.

Love addiction can occur with individuals who are both single and married and there are many supports available for the varying issues of the love addicted. Click here to learn more about Love Addiction »

Click here for pricing »

Contact us today to learn more about our individual sex and love addiction therapy. We offer a free confidential consultation with a sex addiction therapist call 978-578-5298 or contact us.

Think you might be a sex addict?

Use this simple self-test to help find out.

Treatment Services:
  • Individual therapy for those struggling with sex and love addiction
  • Individual therapy for the partners of sex addicts
  • Couples therapy
  • Comprehensive sexual addiction assessments

Call today (978) 578-5298

900 Cummings Center, Suite 413T, Beverly, MA 01915 (978) 578-5298